August 30th, 2oo9

Hello my lovelies!
Just a little note here to inform you that this site will move within the next year (2010).

Worry not.
Unleashing the Gracious Plenty WILL continue.

After all, when season 2 is over and True Blood is on hiatus, I will need some kind of distraction and Eric's Gracious Plenty can fill. . . *grin*

Well, I'm sure we all know where we'd want the GP to migrate over to. *collective sigh*

Eric's Newly-Bonded Lover,

Tuesday 10 March 2009

The Gracious Plenty is alive and well in Generation Kill

This is a shout out to all the ladies (and gents) at the True Blood WIKI: Let's Talk About Eric/Alex thread. is self-evident.

Although, not exclusively a G.P. shot, I think those shoulders and torso speak for themselves.
That body doesn't quit!


Kristin said...

LMAO! The site looks amazing EGP! Great job unleashing the GP. You ROCK!!!

EIBBED said...

THE GP is my daily drug